Eighth Steering Committee Meeting (SCM 8)
On Monday, 06th of September 2021, eighth Steering Committee Meeting (SCM 8) was held in Operational Communication Centre Ministry of Security BiH, with representatives of project partners:
- Delegation of the European Union to BiH
- Civil Protection Directorate Ministry of Interior Republic of Croatia (project leader)
- Association for Risk Management AZUR (project coordinator)
- Ministry of Security BiH
- Civil Protection Administration Republic of Srpska
- Federal Civil Protection Administration
- Department for Public Safety Brčko District
Meeting participants were greeted by Ms Biljana Tomić, program manager at DEU and Mr Damir Trut, Assistant Minister and project leader.
After welcoming remarks, representatives of the consortium partners presented the dynamics of realization of planning obligations within the work packages:
WP 1 – Development of civil protection capacity (CPD MoI), WP 2 – Training for rescue teams (CPD MoI), WP 3 – Disaster Risk Reduction Approach (AZUR), WP 4 – Project Visibility (AZUR).
The rapporteurs stated that all planned activities have been completed, while the remaining ones will be completed by the end of the project.
After the presentation of the work packages, the participants of the meeting discussed the final exercise that will be held in Banja Luka in the period 11-15.10.2021 (FEX EU CZ BL 2021). The participants agreed on the final exercise, that all steps and details related to the organization and implementation of the exercise will be agreed at the Final Planning Conference on 07.09.2021. in Banja Luka.
The Final Conference was also discussed at the SCM meeting. (Project Closing Ceremony), scheduled for October 22, 2021. which will be held in Sarajevo, taking into account the needs of project promotion, in accordance with the state of the COVID 19 pandemic.