Camp management – Neum, within the project “EU 4 Better Civil Protection”
In the period 14. – 18.06. 2021, at the Hotel Sunce Neum, camp management training is held, within the project EU 4 Better Civil Protection – Capacity building and preparation of BiH for the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.

With joint forces on the path towards the Union Civil Protection Mechanism

Two separate trainings are planned for the project participants, ie representatives of the Ministry of Security of BiH, the Federal Civil Protection Administration, Civil Protection Administration of the Republika Srpska and the Department of Public Safety Brčko District.
Eminent lecturers from the Republic of Croatia will pass on to the participants knowledge about camp management, the establishment of camps and international guidelines, as well as knowledge about the management of the base of operations.
In the period 14.06.2021. – 16.06.2021. first Camp management training has been held with 24 participants, within the project EU 4 Better Civil Protection – Capacity building and preparation of B&H for the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
Participants of this training were employees of civil protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the state, entity and District Brčko level and lecturers were eminent experts from the European Union, Civil Protection Directorate Ministry of Interior Republic of Croatia:
- Igor Milić, Head of Operative Affairs Department
- Tomislav Marević, Head of the operation sector
- Mladen Boričević, Head of the Sector for equipment and development
Within this training, following topics have been elaborated:
- Planning and establishment of camp for people care
- International guidelines in the area of camp management
- Planning and management of the base of operations as well as functional approach towards the camp management
Furthermore, lecturers included joint team exercises with mentioning good examples and practices. By the end of the training, group evaluation has been held followed by awarding certificates to the participants.
This exercise was visited by director of Civil Protection Administration Republic of Srpska, mr. Milan Novitović that used this opportunity to express its support to the project and project activities.

Also, this exercise was visited by director of Civil Protection Administration, Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, mr. Damir Trut (Project Manager) that used this opportunity to express its support to the project and project activities.

We would like to thank all participants and lecturers of this training, for active participants and contribution to the successful training implementations. Special gratitude goes to the European Union that is funding this project as well as Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina for significant support to the project implementation.
In the period 16.06.2021. – 18.06.2021. second camp management training will be held with another group of participants from civil protection authorities, project beneficiaries in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while lecturers are:
- Igor Milić, Head of Operative Affairs Department
- Tomislav Marević, Head of the operation sector
- Mladen Boričević, Head of the Sector for equipment and development

About the project:
The project is funded by the European Union through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), and the duration of the project is from 01.03.2019. to 11/01/2021 years.
The project consists of five work packages.
The overall goal of the Project is to reduce vulnerability to natural and other disasters, at all levels of Bosnia and Herzegovina.